Girling Trophy (Overall Y&J Club Champion) | Zoe Morley |
Monsanto Perpetual (Best Y&J Away Result) | George Sims |
Millennium Trophy (Most Improved Y&J Results) | Daisy Dowdell |
Iliffe Sails (Club Crew) | Baz Sanderson Wood |
Oxfam Trophy (Double Handed Improver) | Rhys Rowbotham |
Sunday Y&J Handicap | Baz Sanderson Wood |
Wednesday Y&J Handicap | Sam Morley |
Sunday Topper | Bertie Deacon |
Wednesday Topper | George Sims |
Our prizegiving took place in January celebrating the many successes of our junior and youth sailors and coaches. Everyone who attended received a prize ranging from a club trophy to achievements such as squad selection, most impoved, excellent volunteers, and many other acolades.
Our annual “sailing bakeoff" competition also attracted excellent entries which were all devoured very quickly during the prize giving! Our winner this year was Liam Howells with his junior club logo cake! Well done Liam!