Racing Results at Llandegfedd Sailing Club for over 20 years

Click for THIS YEAR'S RESULTS and LAST YEAR'S ADULT PRIZE WINNERS and 2023 Youth Prize Winners

This page provides the lead in to 20 years of Results at Llandegfedd Sailing Club. Originally the handicap results were calculated by hand and a calculator, and copied from here to there manually. Summaries of results were distributed by newsletter, in real print, and sent out in real letters, along with stamps and things on the envelope.  

Later, there was better coordination and the web site came along. The Sailwave, from Colin Jenkins at Mumbles arrived and there was a lot more consistency and reliability. Results were then converted from Sailwave and copied across to the website. Luckily our Webmaster at the time, Tony Tucker was the Results secretary. 

In the last 4 years we have managed to publish direct from Sailwave to the website, keeping the same “club web format”. These pages have been republished to this new website in 2021. We anticipate that the majority of results will now be published and automatically put on line by cunning software. 

There are historic records of three particular sets of racing;

The pages are catalogued by years, most under the “historic” tag. 

Click on the “Menu symbol” above and to the left - it is the three horizontal lines. You will then see results organised by year and topic. Or use the short menu below…..

Results Years:
British Youth Sailing Recognised Club
RYA Training Centre
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