RYA Power Boat Level 2 and Safety Boat courses

This is a series of courses that are provided by the club for the sole purpose to provide the club with adequate qualified patrol boat drivers. To run training and racing safely, we man our "rescue boat" and watch for boats capsizing or people in difficulties. To drive a power boat at Llandegfedd the minimum qualification is the RYA PB2 standard.

If you are not a club member, please contact Llandegfedd Watersports. They are a commercial organisation and will be pleased to help. 

Quite often, we have experienced sailors who have driven power boats frequently at other clubs, or have even owned their own. However, without the certificate, we cannot permit these people to drive at Llandegfedd Reservoir and hence we can be short of sufficient boat crews. The solution is that the RYA scheme permits a direct assessment for those who can already drive a boat safely. This "driving test" allows for some revision, supervision and an assessment. All those who intend to become Instructors are also required to be PB2 holders as a minimum.

Llandegfedd Sailing Club therefore has three options on Power Boat courses, which are only open to existing club members who sail. They are;

  • Power Boat Level 2 Direct Assessment
  • Power Boat Level 2
  • Safety Boat

The courses are part of the RYA Power Boat scheme that develops from basic skills, up and beyond what we offer. The courses at LLSC and how they fit in the overall scheme is shown in the following diagram. Further detail of what is offered at other commercial operations is available at the RYA training website; RYA Training Overview

RYA Power Boat courses at Llandegfedd Sailing Club

RYA Power Boat Level 2


We have a backlog of people who ought to have at the least a PB2 certificate. We are adding to the list and hope to clear a large number in 2016. As the qualification is necessary for the club to operate successfully, there is only a low charge for the courses. Of course, you will then be expected to perform duties as "Rescue" rather than as "Race Officer" and "Assistant" more often.

The Power Boat Level 2 course is designed to teach people who have never driven a power boat the basic skills to derive a boat. It takes two days when starting from such a low base. The skills include knowledge of power boats, handling them on the water and on land, and safety points including the Collision Regulations.

  • Coming Alongside
  • Turning using warps
  • Man Overboard
  • Start and stop engine
  • High speed manoeuvres
  • Securing to a buoy
  • Manoeuvring astern
  • Holding off a pontoon or jetty
  • Turning in own length
  • Providing evidence of background understanding of theory and safety techniques

RYA Power Boat Level 2 Direct Assessment

The Direct Assessment is typically a half day course, and will use the Club's RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boat) and the Jenneau. The end results is that the Candidate should be able to demonstrate similar skills to those listed above. They also have to provide evidence of the theoretical aspects of PB2. Please see the following page for details. Power Boat 2 Direct Assessment

RYA Safety Boat

The aim of this course is to introduce the techniques used in power boats escorting fleets of dinghies, windsurfers and canoes so as to provide safety and rescue cover. The course is intensely practical, using the club's power boats, and using dinghies and other craft to show how to handle them when they are semi-submerged and heavy. Rope work applicable to escorting and rescuing boats is also taught and assessed.

The Safety Boat course is scheduled at a time convenient to our Instructors and candidates. We will also help fund candidate's fees at other sailing clubs and organisations when it meets the needs of the Sailing Club.

Now what do I do?

See the course Schedules page. If no powerboat courses are there, please contact the Instructor team via email; PBI@llandegfedd.org.uk and add yourself to their list and negotiate a date.

If you can agree the date for your course, you can go to WebCollect and sign up for the course. The cost, timings and other details will be shown there. You can also pay on line through Web Collect.  You will need to provide a passport sized photograph for the Power Boat License. The Power Boat qualifications are centrally held by the RYA and we register your new qualification for you. Details needed are in your Webcollect account (address etc) and they also require Date of Birth. RYA membership is optional. 

Fees cover:

  • All the elements of a RYA Power boat Course
  • Logbook
  • Assessment & cost of certificate as appropriate
  • On-Line registration of the Power Boat License with the RYA

If you have any queries, you can now contact our Power Boat Instructing Team, PBI@llandegfedd.org.uk - and one or more them should respond to you.

If you want general training advice, please contact our Training Team training@llandegfedd.org.uk.

British Youth Sailing Recognised Club
RYA Training Centre
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